
knock knock 조

김재희 2017-03-09 17:51 454

Our group name is knock knock 조

Group head :김현진

Group member:전지현 김재희 김경연 정선경 김민정 한예림

김현진: my new year's resolution is to stop smoking and keep my promise.

전지현 : my new year's resolution is to speak english fluently and to be happy.

김재희: my new year's resolution is to recieve a fund lisence in march.

정선경: my new year's resolution is not to go to school late every saturday.

김경연: my new year's resolution is to lose my weight and increase musclecular.

김민정: my new year's resolution is to save money.

한예림: my new year's resolution is to exersice on weekdays.